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Pro Tips for Confidently Requesting Promotions, Negotiating Pay, and Presenting Your Ideas


August 26, 2024

Just last week, I coached not one, but three senior-level women leaders on how to be assertive and let their male bosses know that they want to be the ones to present their proposals to leadership, not have their bosses do it for them.

This got me to thinking about how many times in my 20+-year executive coaching career I’ve had this same kind of conversation with women leaders – not only around presenting their own ideas but asking for what they want in general around pay and promotion as well. And it’s been quite a few.

So I wanted to take an opportunity to share some pro tips I’ve developed over the years to help you stay confident and empowered when mastering the art of requesting a promotion, negotiating pay, and seizing the opportunity to present your own ideas.

1. Master the Art of Promotion

Promotion is not just about checking off achievements; it’s about confidently presenting your case. Men often ask for promotions after one notable success, and women should feel empowered to do the same.

How to Do It:

    • Prepare Your Case: Compile a concise list of your major accomplishments and their impact. Focus on results and how you’ve contributed to team goals.

    • Be Direct: Schedule a meeting with your boss specifically to discuss your career progression. Be clear about your desire for promotion and why you believe you’re ready.

    • Practice Assertiveness: Rehearse your key points to present them confidently. Remember, it’s about showcasing your value, not just fulfilling a checklist.

2. Negotiate Your Pay

The wage gap remains a significant challenge, with women in Cincinnati earning only 71% of what their male counterparts make (according to a new report by the Cincinnati Futures Commission, Realm, 2024). Negotiating your salary effectively is crucial.

How to Do It:

    • Research and Benchmark: Understand industry standards for your role and experience level. Use salary data to establish a realistic and well-supported salary range.

    • Highlight Your Value: During negotiations, present specific examples of how your work has benefited the company. Emphasize any unique skills or contributions that justify a higher salary.

    • Practice Negotiation: Role-play the negotiation conversation with a mentor or friend. Practice your key points and responses to potential counter points.

3. Own Your Presentation

Women often contribute ideas and work that others present. To ensure you receive the recognition you deserve, it’s vital to advocate for yourself in these scenarios.

How to Do It:

    • Request the Opportunity: Politely but assertively ask to present your ideas yourself. Frame it as a chance to better communicate your vision and ensure accuracy.

    • Prepare Thoroughly: When given the opportunity, prepare an engaging and clear presentation. Use visuals and practice your delivery to build confidence.

    • Seek Feedback: After presenting, ask for feedback to improve and to show your commitment to growth. This also helps build a positive reputation for future opportunities.

By mastering these areas—promotion, pay negotiation, and presentation—you can significantly advance your career and assert your presence in leadership roles. Confidence and preparation are key. Step into your power, advocate for yourself, and take charge of your career trajectory.

We’d love to help you build your confidence and become a more empowered version of yourself. Contact us today at lei-consulting.com.


Explore key strategies for female leaders to confidently request promotions, negotiate pay, and present their own ideas. This guide offers practical tips to help you advocate for yourself and advance your career with confidence.
