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Benefits of Understanding Your Genius- The Team MOJO Approach


October 18, 2023

At the heart of collaboration lies the fuel that propels executive and leadership teams to new levels of productivity. To reach the next level of performance, it is beneficial to focus on the individual and collective genius within the team. We have an absolute great time working with teams to create, and even recapture, their MOJO!

What exactly is Team MOJO?

Momentum, Optimism, Joyful and Outstanding

Momentum is achieved when the team rises above daily challenges by harnessing the collective genius of each individual. But what does this actually look like?

  • Contemplate seeking out those who ask uncommon ‘why,’ ‘why not,’ and ‘what if’ questions.
  • Identify those who thrive in ‘blue sky’ brainstorming sessions, driving creativity and innovation.
  • Consider individuals with a knack for discerning the best ideas and inspiring the team to act upon a defined vision.
  • Additionally, uncover those who offer support during the implementation phase and have the ability to see things through to completion.

Understanding the distinctive capabilities and attributes of leaders who foster collaboration is absolutely essential to high performing teams.

Synergy becomes momentum when a leader believes in the potential of the team!

Optimism is experienced when instead of focusing on the problem, which by the way, we are all trained to do, the team looks for the unique strengths or genius that each leader brings to the team as follows: 

  • To optimize performance, consider closely examining all interactions, interdependencies, and contributions when transitioning from vision to execution.
  • In an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world, maintaining a positive and optimistic outlook is needed.

It’s the positivity, generosity, and goodwill that leaders convey, which in turn, cultivate an organizational and team culture that is unwaveringly optimistic and inspiring!

Joyful distinct from happiness, which is a fleeting emotion, is the deep sense of well-being that allows a team to truly know that all is well at work. What this involves:

  • Given that we spend the majority of our waking hours at work, it is of significant importance to consider how leaders communicate with each other.
  • Urging leaders to participate in activities that bring them joy and energize them harnesses the unique qualities of each individual and elevates team performance.
  • This promotes an inclusive leadership community where individuals can bring their true selves to work, contributing to a greater purpose in which they feel valued and connected.

This is the mountain to climb as finding a deep sense of joy comes from a greater purpose and focus on well-being. In today’s culture, there is often little time and space for intrinsic well-being. There is precious little time and space for a sense of well-being in our culture today.  Leaders need to model the way with an enduring focus on well-being while not taking themselves too seriously. It sounds easy, right?

Oh my, do we need more joy and a sense of well-being at work and in our world and leaders who have   the courage to lead the way inspire joy and energy that couples action!

Outstanding is literally what every leadership team is after and it is elusive to most.  A few thoughts:

  • In every organization, a new journey toward higher productivity and performance is being charted, driven by technology. Transforming the team, culture, and organization is now imperative to meet the future challenges.
  • The path to excellence becomes attainable by harnessing the unique strengths and talents of each leader on the team.
  • This also demands the commitment and discipline to make well-informed strategic decisions, align the team, and achieve results at the next level. No pressure here!

More intelligence around the individual and collective genius of the team is how the best teams get and leverage their MOJO on a path to sustainable high performance!
